Unlock the Power of Breath with Online Pranayama Course from Rishikesh!

Your Path to Inner Peace and Vitality

Are you ready to transform your life with the ancient art of Pranayama? Join our short, interactive online course and unlock the secrets to better health, mental clarity, and emotional balance.

In just 5 days, you will see the change and learn practices that will benefit you throughout life through a consistent practice.

Breathwork & Pranayama in Rishikesh

A five-day pranayama course to fit your every schedule

Boost your well-being and professional performance with our Online Pranayama Short Course. Designed for busy professionals, this program helps integrate pranayama principles into daily life. In just a few sessions, learn breathing techniques that enhance relaxation, focus, and energy management.

Aimed at reducing stress and increasing productivity, the course offers practical tools for tackling a demanding work environment. Experience this transformative journey from your home and begin a path to a balanced life.

Participate in our 45-minute live sessions from Rishikesh (India) every Monday to Friday at 5:30 am Central European Time (CET) or Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

Online Pranayama Sessions Flow

A pranayama session teaches breath control to enhance physical and spiritual well-being. It starts with explaining pranayama's importance and proceeds with warm-up activities. Techniques such as diaphragmatic breathing, alternate nostril breathing, and kapalabhati are then guidedly practiced. Attendees concentrate on their breathing and sensations, ending in quiet reflection or meditation. This methodical yet flexible technique aids all skill levels, promoting self-awareness and tranquility.


Introduction and Centering

Welcome and Brief Overview

Teacher introduces the session and explains the flow.


Participants sit comfortably, close their eyes, and focus on their natural breath to calm the mind and prepare for the practice.


Warm-Up Breathing Exercises

Pre-pranayama Techniques

Different breathing techniques involving moderated inhalations and exhalations to increase lung capacity and oxygenate the body, in preparation for the Pranayama.

Micro exercises

Gentle movements to release tension and prepare the body for pranayama.


Main Pranayama Practices

Nadi Shodhan (Alternate Nostril Breathing)

Balances energy channels and calms the mind.

Participants breathe through right and left nostrils alternatively in a cyclical rhythm while focusing on breath.

Kapalbhati (Skull Shining Breath)

Detoxifies the body and boosts metabolism.

Participants perform forceful exhalations through the nose, with passive inhalations.

Bhramari (Bee Breath)

Reduces stress & enhances focus.

Participants inhale deeply, then exhale while making a humming sound.


Cool Down and Relaxation

Ujjayi (Victorious Breath):

Increases oxygen intake and improves lung capacity.

Participants inhale deeply through the nose, slightly constricting the throat to create a soft hissing sound, then exhale slowly.

Shavasana (Corpse Pose):

Complete relaxation to integrate the benefits of the practice.

Participants lie down on the back, arms by the sides, palms facing up, and focus on the breath.



Reflection and Q&A

Participants reflect on their experience and ask any questions.

Closing Remarks

The instructor provides final thoughts and encourages participants to continue their practice.

Why should one practice Pranayama?

Consistent pranayama practice offers numerous benefits for both physical and mental well-being. Incorporating pranayama into your daily routine can lead to a healthier, more balanced life.

Physical Benefits

Improved Respiratory Function: Pranayama enhances lung capacity and efficiency, making breathing more effective.

Better Cardiovascular Health: It helps lower blood pressure, reduce heart rate, and improve circulation.

Detoxification: Regular practice aids in expelling toxins from the body, promoting overall health.

Enhanced Digestion: Pranayama stimulates digestive fire (Agni), aiding in better digestion and nutrient absorption.

Increased Energy Levels: Techniques like Kapalbhati invigorate the body and mind by increasing oxygen supply and circulation.

Mental & Emotional Benefits

Stress Reduction: Pranayama activates the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting relaxation and reducing stress.

Improved Sleep Quality: The stress-relieving effects of pranayama can help improve sleep quality and reduce insomnia.

Enhanced Mental Clarity and Focus: Practices like Ujjayi breathing improve concentration and mindfulness.

Emotional Balance: Regular practice helps regulate emotions, leading to greater emotional stability.

Increased Mindfulness: Being aware of your breath during pranayama promotes mindfulness and a deeper connection between body and mind.

Additional Benefits

Reduced Anxiety and Depression: Pranayama can help alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression by calming the mind and balancing the nervous system.

Enhanced Cognitive Performance: It improves brain function, leading to better focus, memory, and cognitive abilities.

Support for Addiction Recovery: Pranayama has been shown to reduce cravings and support recovery from addictions.

Join us at 5:30 am in CET (Central European time) & EDT (Eastern Daylight Time) time zones !

Why Choose Our Pranayama Classes?

Authentic Teaching

Learn from a highly experienced yoga and pranayama teacher with deep roots in traditional Indian yoga practices.

Holistic Benefits

Improve your physical health, mental clarity, and emotional well-being through the power of breath.

Convenient & Flexible

Access pranayama classes from the comfort of your home, at times that suit your schedule.

Personalized Guidance

Receive tailored pranayama practice instructions and feedback to ensure you master the techniques.

The online pranayama program is conducted every Monday to Friday in morning sessions of 45 minutes duration each.

Program Fee & Registration Process

Daily Pranayama Sessions Charges

US$125 Per Attendee Per Month

  • One time non-refundable fee payable in advance at the time of registration.

  • Per attendee course fee includes 5 sessions of 45 minutes each at the given time slot.

  • This is an all-inclusive fee and there shall be no extra charges

  • Sessions will be conducted using Google Meet

  • Meeting link will be shared upon confirmation of participation. Keep your handset and headphones ready!

Registration Process

Select suitable date from our various options for daily online guided Pranayama sessions.

Fill the registration form correctly.

In case there are other persons joining with you please submit separate registration form for each of them.

Within 24 hours we will get in touch with you via email for acknowledgement.


You confirm that you have registered for this program at your own will and you have declared their health conditions clearly.

You also confirm that you have read and understood the terms, conditions, and policies.

Read the attendee code of conduct and policy document.

Do not just wake up, RISE

Set the right environment

Considerations for memorable online pranayama classes

  • Do not eat for at-least 2 hours before your online pranayama class.

  • Select a peaceful place in your home, balcony, terrace, or park as is suitable for you.

  • It is ideal if the place of your practice has natural air flow.

  • Lay out your Yoga mat or 'durrie' before the online breathing class begins.

  • Keep a bolster, Yoga Block, or cushion handy if you have difficulty sitting cross-legged on the floor.

  • Make sure you have sufficient place to lie down on your back without getting hit, tangled, or distracted by surrounding objects.

  • Charge your phone/laptop sufficiently and connect with your headphone before the online pranayama session begins for a interruption free practice.

  • Wear comfortable clothes that allow free movement during the online meditation and breathing class.

  • We will be opening the session 5 minutes before the starting time. Feel free to join early to exchange positivity.

  • Mute yourself once the session begins, ask your questions towards the end when we prompt for questions. In case of urgent need, drop a message on the session chat.

  • Last but not the least "Trust the process."