10 Yoga Asanas for Confidence Boost and Self-Esteem 

Confidence is something everyone craves for, and those who have it are full of energy as well as allure. While some people are born with a confident stride, others have to develop it. For the latter, yoga can play a pivotal role. As we practice yoga asanas, we become strong in our bodies, and progress toward more challenging poses, cultivating inner resilience in the process. 

In this blog, Ekattva Yogshala- a leading yoga school in Rishikesh- will share 10 yoga poses that can help you build confidence and improve self-esteem. Let’s go!

10 Yoga Asanas for Confidence Boost

1. Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

Mountain Pose is the foundation of all standing yoga poses. Stand tall with feet together or hip-width apart, grounding firmly into the earth. Roll the shoulders back and down, elongate the spine, and bring palms together at your heart center, or let them hang by your sides. This confidence booster pose encourages proper posture and a sense of grounding, helping to center your mind and body.


  • This pose helps in improving your posture.

  • It enhances your awareness and focus.

  • Strengthens your thighs, knees, and ankles.

Here’s how to do this confidence boost yoga pose:

2. Warrior II Pose (Virabhadrasana II)

Warrior II is a strong, dynamic pose that builds stamina and confidence. Begin in Mountain Pose, step one foot back about 3-4 feet, turning the back foot out slightly. Bend the front knee directly over the ankle, extending the arms out parallel to the floor. Gaze over the front fingertips, feeling empowered and grounded in your stance. This pose strengthens the legs, opens the hips, and cultivates inner strength.


  • It helps in building strength in the legs, shoulders, arms, and overall body.

  • Raising your arms and opening your chest improves respiratory function and increases lung capacity.

  • Moreover, this pose improves balance and stability.

Here’s how to do this confidence boost yoga pose:

3. Tree Pose (Vrikshasana)

Tree Pose challenges your balance and focus, fostering a sense of stability and confidence. Begin in Mountain Pose, shift your weight onto one leg, and place the sole of the opposite foot either above or below the knee (avoid the knee joint). Bring your palms together at your heart center or extend them overhead like branches. Find a focal point to help steady your gaze and mind. This pose improves concentration, and balance, and promotes a feeling of rootedness.


  • The bent-knee position and extended arms engage and tone the muscles in your legs, hips, and core.

  • Holding this pose for an extended period increases stamina and endurance.

  • Focusing on alignment and breath helps enhance concentration and body awareness.

Here’s how to do this confidence boost yoga pose:

4. Balasana (Child’s Pose)

To practice this self-esteem yoga pose, start with a kneeling position with knees apart and toes touching. Extend your arms forward and palms up. Twist your fingers and elbows to the mat and reach your knuckles back towards your neck. Keep holding this pose for at least 3 minutes to experience the soothing and mind-body connection. After that, release yourself to the normal position and breathe deeply.


  • It helps relieve tension in the back, shoulders and chest. 

  • By doing this pose you can calm the mind and reduce stress. 

  • It promotes introspection and inner peace. 

Here’s how to do this confidence boost yoga pose:

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5. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose)

To practice this yoga alignment, start on your hands and knees, with your wrists under your shoulders and knees under your hips. Now spread your fingers wide and press down into the mat. Tuck your toes under and lift your hips towards the ceiling, straightening your legs.  Engage your core and press your heels towards the floor to deepen the stretch in your legs. Hold the self esteem boosting pose for several breaths. 


It helps in engaging muscles from the shoulders to the hamstrings, and this provides a comprehensive stretch and strength-building exercise.

Its reverse aspect encourages blood flow to the brain, which automatically promotes mental clarity and energy. 

The combination of stretch and strength refreshes the body which helps in reducing fatigue and increasing vitality.

Here’s how to do this confidence yoga posture:

6. Down Dog Variation

This confidence yoga pose is somewhat difficult to perform but gives great results in terms of confidence boost. To perform this, lift your right leg towards the ceiling, bring your knee towards your nose, and then extend it back up. Up next bring your knee towards your left elbow, then extend it back up. Repeat the sequence a few times before switching sides.


  • This dynamic variation adds an element of core strength to the traditional downward-facing dog pose.

  •  The movement involved in this pose improves balance, coordination, and enhances body awareness.

Here’s how to do this confidence boost yoga pose:

7. Anjaneyasana (Low Lunge)

Now comes the pose which can improve your balance and stability at the same time, impacting your overall confidence in a big way. Start with the downward-facing dog, then step your right foot forward between your hands. Lower your left knee to the floor, keeping your right knee directly above your ankle. Make sure that your front knee is directly above your ankle to protect the knee joint. Lift your chest and gaze upwards to enhance the stretch in your upper body.

Hold for several breaths, feeling the stretch in your hips and thighs.


  • This pose stretches the hip flexors, automatically reducing tension and improving hip flexibility.

  • The deep lunge stretches the thighs and hamstrings.

  •  The lunge position challenges balance, which tends to improve balance and overall stability.

Here’s how to do this confidence-boost yoga posture:

8. Vasisthasana 

Also known as Side Plank Pose, it helps in strengthening arms, wrists, and core muscles. To practice this pose, stack your shoulders, hips, and ankles in one straight line to maintain proper alignment and stability. If you find this pose challenging, you can lower the bottom knee to the mat for additional support while still engaging your core and maintaining alignment. 


  • Balancing on one arm engages and tones strengthens arms, wrists, and core muscles. areas, which helps in building strength in the upper body.

  • Maintaining stability in this pose enhances focus and coordination, promoting overall mental clarity and physical balance.

  • The lateral engagement of this pose strengthens abdominal muscles, contributing to better overall posture and stability.

Here’s how to do this confidence yoga pose:

9. Utthita Trikonasana (Extended Triangle Pose)

Stand with your feet wide apart, toes facing forward. Now turn your right foot out 90 degrees and your left foot slightly in. Extend your arms parallel to the floor, then reach your right hand towards your right foot, holding tips. Extend through the fingertips and reach towards the ceiling. Press into the feet and engage the thighs to maintain stability and alignment.


  • This pose provides a comprehensive stretch to hamstrings, groins, hips, and spine, improving flexibility.

  •  The wide stance and extended arms help develop stability and balance.

  •  Reaching through the fingertips and rotating the torso enhances flexibility and opens the chest.

Here’s how to do this confidence boost yoga pose:

10. Dolphin Pose

Start on your hands and knees, then lower your forearms to the mat.

Tuck your toes under and lift your hips towards the ceiling, similar to a Downward-Facing Dog. Keep your forearms parallel and press firmly into the mat.

Relax the head and neck, gazing towards the feet or between the arms.


  • The position of the arms enhances shoulder mobility and stability.

  •  The inversion aspect relieves tension in the upper back and neck and helps release tension.

Here’s how to do this confidence-increasing yoga pose:

Yoga Asanas for Confidence Boost: Final Words 

By incorporating these asanas into your yoga practice, you can enhance both your physical and mental strength, promoting a sense of confidence and self-assurance. Regular practice can help you stand taller, breathe deeper, and approach life with a more positive and empowered mindset.

Got any queries to ask? Send them to info@spiritualpunditz.com  and have them answered by our yoga experts!

Don’t forget to check out these online yoga and meditation programs: 

Yoga retreat in Rishikesh

Online mantras meditation classes

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Online meditation course in India

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