Becoming a Certified Yoga Teacher: Everything You Need to Know

Embarking on the path to becoming a yoga teacher is a transformative decision. It's not just about deepening your own practice but also about opening a gateway of sharing your passion, guiding others, and fostering balance through yoga. 

However, for many aspiring teachers, the journey's starting point can be daunting. If you're feeling unsure of where to begin, don’t worry. We are here to be your guiding light!

In this blog, Ekattva Yogshala - a popular yoga training school in Rishikesh - will share essential insights about pursuing certification as a yoga teacher in 2024. From the initial steps to significant details, we’ll cover all crucial aspects. 

First, let’s understand what’s the difference between non-certified and certified yoga teachers!

What are Differences Between Certified and Non-Certified Yoga Teachers?

As you set foot toward becoming a yoga teacher, some pivotal questions may arise in your mind - Why pursue certification? What sets apart a certified yoga instructor from those who aren’t certified?  Although the differences between the two may appear subtle on the surface, they hold significant weight in the realm of guiding others through yoga practice. 

#1 Depth of Training and Knowledge 

Certified yoga teachers undergo structured training programs that cover various aspects of yoga, including philosophy, anatomy, teaching methodologies, and more. This comprehensive training equips them with a deeper understanding of yoga's principles and practices. 

In contrast, non-certified teachers might lack this formal, in-depth training. This will potentially result in gaps in their knowledge base.

#2 Credibility and Professional Standards 

Yoga experts at Ekattva Yogshala have to say that certification establishes a level of credibility and adherence to professional standards. Certified teachers often follow recognized and standardised guidelines set by accredited yoga institutions or alliances. 

This recognition not only assures students of a certain level of expertise but also sets a benchmark for ethical and professional conduct.

#3 Safety and Alignment Awareness 

One of the biggest differences between certified and non-certified yoga teachers. The former are typically well-versed in the nuances of proper alignment, adjustments, and the prevention of injuries during yoga practice. Their training often includes extensive knowledge of anatomy and physiology, ensuring a safer and more effective teaching approach. 

Non-certified teachers might lack this depth of understanding, potentially increasing the risk of injuries or incorrect alignment cues.

#4 Insurance and Liability Coverage 

Many yoga studios and institutions require teachers to have proper certifications to secure liability insurance. Certified teachers are often covered by insurance policies that protect them in case of unforeseen incidents or accidents during classes. 

Non-certified teachers might face challenges in obtaining such coverage, potentially posing risks in the case of liability issues.

#5 Teaching Opportunities and Recognition 

Another important aspect for our readers to consider! Certified yoga teachers generally have more opportunities for employment in various studios, gyms, wellness centers, and retreats. Why, you ask? That’s because certification often opens doors to a wider range of teaching prospects and better recognition within the yoga community. 

On the other hand, non-certified teachers may find it more challenging to access these opportunities. Meaning, they might be limited in their teaching scope.

Everything you need to know about Ekattva’s winter 200-hour yoga teacher training 

What To Consider For Becoming A Certified Yoga Teacher? 

We bet that the significance of becoming a certified yoga teacher is clear to you. We hope you now understand how it can help you in shaping a rewarding career. But the important question still remains - How does one embark on this transformative journey? 

The path to becoming a certified yoga teacher involves careful consideration and specific steps. It's natural to feel uncertain or even overwhelmed by the process. However, fear not. We've curated a comprehensive list of essential tips to guide you through the process of becoming a certified yoga guru! 

The following tips will serve as a beacon, paving your way toward achieving your yoga teaching goal: 

#1 Research and Select Reputable Teacher Training Program 

Okay, let’s say you want to buy a car. To find the perfect vehicle, you’ll explore different models from various companies, right? Similar to the process of purchasing a car, understanding your yoga teacher's needs is crucial. Research various yoga teacher training programs. Consider factors like curriculum, location, duration, teaching style, and reviews. 

Much like evaluating a car’s features, check if the program aligns with your learning goals. This comprehensive research phase will ensure that you select a program that meets your educational needs and teaching expectations. It will help you lay a strong foundation for your journey as a certified yoga teacher. 

#2 Understand Curriculum and Teaching Style

Once you've compiled a list of yoga teacher training programs, thoroughly explore the curriculum. Make certain it encompasses crucial components like yoga philosophy, teaching methodologies, anatomy, physiology, asanas, and practical teaching experience. Also, assess the teaching style to ensure that it resonates with your learning preferences and goals. 

These small steps are crucial to guarantee that the program you’ll join provides the necessary knowledge required to become a proficient and well-rounded certified yoga teacher. 

#3 Evaluate the Expertise of Yoga Instructors

William Arthur Ward once said, “A mediocre teacher tells. A good teacher explains. A superior teacher demonstrates. A Great teacher inspires.” We 100% agree with this! When selecting a yoga school for becoming a certified teacher, check the expertise and background of its instructors. Reflect on their experience in diverse yoga styles, teaching methods, and overall wisdom in the field. 

Much like you seek a great school teacher for inspiration, look for seasoned yoga gurus who can not only impart knowledge but also inspire and guide you throughout your learning journey. A faculty of experienced and knowledgeable yoga gurus will significantly improve the quality and depth of your education as a future certified yoga teacher. 

#4 Prepare Financially and Logistically 

It is also important to consider the financial and logistical aspects of the training. Prepare a budget that covers the program cost, accommodation, travel, and any additional expenses. Ensure you have a financial plan in place to comfortably manage these costs without stress. 

Logistically, plan for the duration and location of the training. Consider all necessary arrangements for accommodation and daily logistics. Proper financial and logistical preparation will guarantee a smooth and focused learning experience. They will allow you to fully immerse yourself in the training without undue concerns about expenses or arrangements.

#5 Focus on Personal Yoga Practice 

Prior to the certified teacher training, deepen your personal yoga practice. Dedicate time to improve your understanding of yoga postures, breathing techniques, meditation, and mindfulness. Now you must be thinking, “Won't the experience gained during the program be sufficient?” 

We understand your concern! However, developing a robust personal practice before the training offers a unique advantage. It will help you lay a strong foundation, fostering a deeper connection with yoga beyond what the program offers. 

Your prior practice will not only help you polish your skills but will also set a precedent for self-discipline and commitment, essential qualities in guiding others through their yoga journey.

#6 Attend Workshops and Classes 

Expanding your knowledge beyond the TTC is essential for becoming a good certified yoga teacher. While the program will provide you with a solid foundation, solely relying on it might limit your exposure. 

*Enters the idea of supplementing your education through attending workshops, diverse classes, or specialized seminars* 

These additional learning opportunities will introduce you to various teaching methodologies and specific areas like prenatal yoga, meditation, breathing, or therapeutic yoga. They will broaden your expertise, offering you a more comprehensive understanding of yoga’s diverse facets. 

Put simply, attending workshops and additional classes will prepare you to cater to a broader spectrum of students in your future teaching career. 

Here are 10 solid reasons to do yoga in Rishikesh, India! 

#7 Cultivate Self-reflection and Openness 

Another important factor to consider for becoming a good certified yoga teacher in 2024! Approach the training with an open mind and willingness to self-reflect. Always embrace the feedback and be open to continuous learning. Remember, yoga is a journey of self-discovery. Your personal growth as a yoga teacher will significantly influence your influence to guide others. 

Cultivate patience, perseverance, and willingness to adapt to new insights and perspectives. Embracing self-reflection and openness to new practices will not only enrich your teaching but also foster continuous personal and professional development in the field of yoga teaching.  

Why Join Ekattva’s 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Program? 

We are certain that you’ve comprehended the crucial elements to consider for becoming a proficient certified yoga teacher. If you're still on the hunt for the perfect yoga school, consider Ekattva Yogshala's 200-hour yoga teacher training program in Rishikesh.

Known for standing out as a beacon for aspiring yoga teachers, our comprehensive program offers an immersive and authentic experience, blending traditional teachings with modern approaches. With a focus on holistic learning, it incorporates in-depth yoga philosophy, anatomy, teaching methodologies, meditation, and practical experience.

What makes us unique? Our program is led by experienced gurus. They will provide personalized attention in a supportive environment. In fact, our school offers an ambiance that fosters self-discovery and growth. 

Becoming a Certified Yoga Teacher: End Note 

There you go! We've covered the essentials to kickstart your journey as a certified yoga teacher. Remember, choosing the right path is crucial. Ekattva Yogshala offers not just a certification but an enriching and transformative experience. With our dedication and right guidance, we can help you become a certified yoga teacher who not only inspires but transforms the lives of other people. 

Got any queries to ask? Send them to and have them answered by our yoga experts! 

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