Yoga While Traveling: How to Practice Tips and Ideas

From serene mountaintops to bustling city sidewalks, yoga practice can unfold wherever you find yourself. But can it really? Is practicing yoga really possible while traveling? If yes, how exactly can I do it?” 

Well, the answer to your question is ABSOLUTELY! Although traveling throws curveballs, it’s also a prime opportunity to deepen your connection with your body. But how to make it work? 

In this blog, Ekattva Yogshala - a top yoga school of Rishikesh-  will share 8 tips that will help you embrace your yoga journey while traveling, no matter where your wanderlust takes you in 2024. We bet that by the time you finish reading, you’ll be a seasoned yoga nomad who’s ready to roll out their mat and find their center in any corner of the globe. 

Ready to discover tips? Let’s go! 

How to Do Yoga While Traveling? 

You see, hitting the road doesn’t mean you have to hit a pause on your yoga practice. In fact, travel can be a great chance to deepen your connection with your body and explore new ways to move. But let’s be honest here - fitting in a practice, that too between sightseeing and navigating new places can feel daunting. 

But don’t worry. We got your back with these easy tips to keep your yoga practice thriving. No matter where your wanderlust takes you: 

#1 Pack Light, Practice Big 

Forget lugging around a bulky yoga mat that eats up precious luggage space. Let's face it, the true magic of yoga isn't in the props. It's in the connection between your breath and body! Embrace the minimalist approach! Invest in a travel-friendly mat specifically designed to be lightweight and compact. 

Many yoga schools and hotels in the city you’re traveling in even offer yoga mats for rent so consider that option if you're traveling extra light. In a pinch, a clean towel on a flat surface can work wonders. 

Remember, yoga is about you, not your fancy accessories! 

#2 Embrace the Mini-Flow 

Short on time? Don't sweat it!  Traveling often means a packed itinerary. But hey, that doesn't mean you have to sacrifice your practice entirely. Here's where the beauty of mini-flows comes in! Craft a concise 15-minute sequence that focuses on key stretches and postures that leave you feeling energized and grounded. 

For example, start with sun salutations to warm up your body, followed by a few standing poses like Warrior I and II to build strength and stability. Don't forget to include hip openers like Pigeon Pose or Half Lord's Twist to release tension. Finish with some heart-opening backbends like Cobra Pose or Bridge Pose to counter all the sitting you might be doing on planes and trains. 

For a truly restorative flow, incorporate a child's pose for deep relaxation and savasana (corpse pose) to integrate the benefits of your practice. The best part? You can always repeat the sequence two or three times for a longer practice if time allows.

#3 Befriend Your Hotel Room  

One of the most important tips to consider if you want to do yoga while traveling in 2024! Think of your hotel room as your own personal studio for the duration of your stay. Look at the furniture as potential yoga props! Utilize a sturdy chair for support in poses like Triangle Pose. A low bench or ottoman can be a great substitute for a bolster in restorative poses or provide extra height for poses like Downward-Facing Dog. 

Feeling creative? Use a bedspread or blanket as a makeshift yoga strap for poses that require additional reach. Most importantly, don't be afraid to get resourceful. If you need more space, simply push aside the bed to create a clear area for your practice. 

A little ingenuity can go a long way in transforming your temporary living space into a sacred yoga space for movement and mindfulness! 

#4 Channel Your Inner Explorer 

Why confine your practice to the four walls of your hotel room? Embrace the spirit of adventure and take your yoga outdoors! Traveling opens up a world of unique and inspiring locations to unfurl your mat. Think of it - you’re practicing sun salutations as the sun rises over a breathtaking mountain vista. 

Or you’re feeling the sand beneath your feet as you flow through warrior poses on a secluded beach. Even thinking about these feels amazing, isn’t it? Find a scenic park with lush greenery, a quiet rooftop terrace with city views, or simply step outside your hotel room and connect with the local environment. 

Immersing yourself in nature is a fantastic way to deepen your practice and create a truly memorable yoga experience. So, pack your travel spirit and a sense of adventure, because the world is your yoga studio now.

#5 Join Local Tribe 

Traveling offers a beautiful opportunity to immerse yourself in the yoga culture of your destination. Almost every city around the world nowadays has yoga schools that offer drop-in classes. They provide a fantastic way to meet fellow yogis, experience new teaching styles, and gain a deeper understanding of yoga traditions specific to the region.  

Don't be shy! Our next tip will be to step outside your comfort zone and try a class in a different language. This can be an enriching experience.  Plus, the energy and enthusiasm of a group practice can be incredibly motivating. Join a drop-in class for extra fun!

Recommended readings: 

Yoga poses for stress and anxiety relief

Morning meditation for motivation: 6 yoga practices 

A guide to live stream yoga classes

Yoga for daily life

Meditation difficulties and solutions 

#6 Go Digital (But Disconnect) 

“Isn’t the whole point of doing yoga while traveling to stay away from gadgets?” Yes, we understand. However, technology can also be a valuable tool for maintaining your yoga practice on the road. Download yoga apps or join online classes that help experience specific asanas, forms, or practices. 

This will allow you to tailor your yoga practice to your specific needs, whether you're craving a vigorous vinyasa flow or a gentle restorative session. 

Pro tip: While technology can be your friend, remember to utilize it mindfully.  Airplane mode is your best friend!  Disconnecting from the constant notifications and distractions will let you fully immerse yourself in your practice and truly connect with your inner world.

#7 Embrace Simple Things 

Don't have access to fancy yoga props? No problem!  The beauty of yoga lies in its adaptability.  Get creative and utilize everyday items as props to improve your practice. For instance, a scarf can be a fantastic substitute for a yoga strap. It will aid in poses that require additional reach or gentle stretching. 

You can also consider rolling up a towel to create a makeshift bolster for restorative poses or provide extra height in poses like Downward-Facing Dog. A water bottle can also be used to add weight for poses that require additional resistance. 

Embrace your resourcefulness and you’ll discover that the most effective props are often the ones readily available in your surroundings!

#8 Listen to Your Body  

Our guide on how to practice yoga while traveling will be considered incomplete without discussing this aspect! See, traveling can be exhilarating but it can also take a toll on your body. The key to a sustainable practice is to listen to your body's needs.  

Be flexible with your routine and adjust your practice accordingly. Don't be afraid to take rest days when your body craves them. If you're feeling a little beat from sightseeing, opt for a gentle restorative practice instead of pushing yourself through a vigorous flow.  

Keep in mind that yoga is a journey, not a destination. By honoring your body's unique needs, you can make sure that your practice continues to flourish throughout your travels.

Yoga While Traveling: Final Words

Above are some useful tips to consider for practicing yoga while traveling. Yoga isn’t about achieving the perfect pose or having the most expensive gear. It’s about connecting with your body, finding peace within, and embracing the journey. If you’re planning a trip to Rishikesh and seeking a yoga school to join during your visit, look no further than Ekattva Yogshala! 

As an internationally recognized Yoga Alliance-certified school, we offer a variety of retreats and also 200-hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh designed to cater to all levels and interests. Whether you're a seasoned yogi seeking to deepen your practice or a curious beginner eager to embark on your yoga adventure, Ekattva Yogshala has something for you.  

Got any queries to ask? Send them to and have them answered by our yoga experts. 

Here are some of our online and offline yoga courses that help people rejuvenate their mindful experience:

Breathwork essentials for everyone 

Online meditation and breathing course 

Online yoga for everyone 

Yoga retreats in Rishikesh


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