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How to Reduce Screen Time With Yoga and Meditation

Guess what should we do the first thing in the morning? Obviously not seeing the phone. But most people look for their phones in the morning and the last thing before going to bed. While technology brings numerous benefits, excessive screen time can lead to physical and mental health issues. 

Yoga and meditation is emerging as a great way to reduce screen time. In this blog, Ekattva Yogshala- a yoga school in Rishikesh- will share some effective ways, yoga poses, and tips to help you achieve a healthier balance.

Ways to Reduce Screen Time With Yoga

Incorporating yoga in the process of reducing screen time helps in integrating mindful practices that benefit you with physical and mental effects and promote overall well-being. Here are several effective ways to achieve this: 

1. Mindful Awareness

Yoga encourages mindfulness, which involves being present and aware of your thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations. By practicing yoga regularly, you become more conscious of the time you spend on screens and make intentional choices to reduce it.

2. Scheduled Yoga Breaks

Take some time and schedule short yoga sessions into your daily routine as planned breaks from screen time. Whether you take a quick 10-minute session in the morning or a relaxing stretch in the evening, remember to take one. These breaks help reset your mind and body, reducing the urge to constantly check your devices. 

3. Breathing Exercises (Pranayama)

As we all know yoga possesses various breathing techniques that can help calm the mind and reduce stress that is associated with screen time. 

Practicing the following breathing exercises will help you in this aspect: 

Deep belly breathing: breathe through your nose expand your belly and exhale. This helps relax the nervous system and promotes a sense of calm.

Alternate Nostril Breathing: balances the left and right hemispheres of the brain, enhancing focus and mental clarity. 

4. Mindful Movement

While practicing yoga, your attention needs to be in the present moment. Focus on mindful movement during yoga practice which requires your full attention to the sensations in your body and the rhythm of your breath. This mindfulness helps shift your focus away from screens and into the present moment, reducing mental clutter and promoting relaxation.

5. Yoga Nidra

One of the most effective ways to reduce screen time is performing Yoga Nidra. It’s also known as yogic sleep which is a guided meditation practice that induces deep relaxation and promotes restful sleep. It can benefit you by reducing the desire to engage with screens before bedtime, improving sleep quality. 

6. Create a Screen-Free Sanctuary

Settle a space in your home for a yoga practice that is free from digital distractions. Ensure that space is just for you and your mind body soul. Keep some things like soft music, a book, a yoga mat, and any motivational items in this sanctuary to create a calming environment conducive to mindfulness and relaxation. 

7. Join Yoga Classes or Communities

The best thing you can do is join yoga classes or a community that is dedicated to improving one’s mental as well as physical health. Practicing in a group will automatically give you accountability, motivation, and the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who share your goals of reducing screen time and enhancing well-being.

Consider joining a reputed yoga school that provides you with what need. 

Recommended readings: 

Energy Anatomy: Meaning, Key Energy Systems, and More

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Yoga Poses to Reduce Screen Time Effects

Practicing yoga asanas helps you combat the physical strain and mental fatigue associated with prolonged digital device use. Here are some effective yoga poses specifically aimed at relieving tension, improving posture, and promoting relaxation:

1. Neck Rolls and Neck Stretches

Sit comfortably drop your chin towards your chest and rol your head gently from one side to another. You can also interlace your fingers and place them behind your head, gently pulling your head forward to stretch the back of your neck. 


  • Helps in relieving the tension in the neck and shoulders caused by prolonged screen use.

  •  Doing this will improve blood circulation and flexibility in the neck muscles.

2. Cat-Cow Stretch (Marjaryasana-Bitilasana)

Start on your hands and knees. Inhale as you arch your back, lifting your head and tailbone towards the ceiling( cow pose).  Exhale as you round your spine, tucking your chin to your chest and drawing your belly button towards your spine (Cat Pose). Repeat several times, coordinating with your breath.


  • By doing this yoga pose will help you improve your spinal flexibility and mobility which exhales out tension and stress. 

  • It helps in preventing bad posture and strengthens the spine.

3. Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana)

To perform this sit with your legs extended in front of you. Inhale to lengthen your spine, then exhale as you hinge at your hips and fold forward over your legs. Hold onto your shins, ankles, or feet, keeping your spine long. Relax your head and neck. 


  • This body yoga practice will stretch your spine, hamstrings, and lower back. 

  • By doing this yoga asana it will calm the mind and relieves stress and anxiety.

4. Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

Start on your hands and knees, then lift your hips towards the ceiling, forming an inverted V shape with your body. Spread your fingers wide apart and press firmly into the ground with your palms. Lengthen your spine and legs, pressing your heels towards the floor (it's okay if they don't touch).


  •  Stretches the entire body, including the back, shoulders, hamstrings, and calves. 

  • Improves circulation and relieves tension in the spine.

5. Corpse Pose (Savasana)

 Lie flat on your back with your arms by your sides, palms facing up. Close your eyes and allow your body to completely relax. Focus on your breath, letting go of any tension with each exhale.


  • Promotes deep relaxation and reduces stress and fatigue. 

  • Helps rejuvenate the body and mind after prolonged screen use.

Other Yoga Poses To Practice 

  • Standing Forward Fold (Uttanasana)

  • Eye Exercises

  •  Seated Spinal Twist (Ardha Matsyendrasana)

Reduce screen time with yoga

Incorporate these yoga poses into your daily routine to reduce the physical strain and mental fatigue caused by excessive screen time. Remember to practice mindfulness and focus on deep, conscious breathing during each pose to enhance their therapeutic benefits. 

Still, have questions to ask? Send them to  and have them answered by our yoga experts. 

Check out these online yoga and meditation programs: 

Yoga retreat in Rishikesh

Online mantras meditation classes

Online breathwork classes in India 

Online meditation course in IndiaOnline yoga classes for health and wellness